Tag Archives: unsurpassed awakening

Devoid of Death Devils

Good morning!   We have now nice rain of compassion for plants and animals after a spell of harsh dryness. So, insects are now singing with joy. In our quiet sitting, we can enjoy the sound of rain dripping on … Continue reading

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Clear, Calm, Cool, and Content

Good evening!   We have the full moon high in the sky, clear, calm, cool, and content. The perfectly round moon expresses complete contentment, nothing deficient, nothing superfluous, and just shines forth brilliantly.   At this time 758 years ago, … Continue reading

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Penetrating pure peace and prognosis

Good evening!   We had a very good autumn day with crisp cool air, without clouds. When we sit solid, stable, still, and serene, we become like the great clear, calm, and cool autumn sky without clouds of karmas – … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hiroshima, Fukushima, Futashima

Good morning!   When we sit in zazen, we become still, serene, and safe. When we move, drive, often we see rabbits or squirrels cross in front of our cars, or birds flying along our driving directions. Our sense and … Continue reading

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Attaining Amrita (Ambrosia/immortality)

Good morning!   The hot summer has turned into cool autumn. We are expecting rain at any moment, so the singing birds and silent plants are enjoying moistened air and expecting the compassionate rain.   The season of spring, when … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mind Mirror

Good morning! We now have a beautiful Sunday morning. Sitting with the Buddha, the beautiful flower on the altar, the cool breeze, the sound of water flowing and birds’ singing penetrates through our world. We can now enjoy the full … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Still, Serene, Solid Sitting

Good evening! The cool, clear, and calm wind penetrates through the whole world in the still, serene, and solid sitting. Here is no division, domination, and devastation among genders, genuses, and generations. There is no dividing and ruling or being … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cultivation, Culture, Civilization

Good evening! The temperature went up to 99 degrees during the heat wave, and some plants are in the critical state of life or death. If we give water to them, they can survive; if not, they cannot. When we … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Uncategorized, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Awakening with All Always

Good evening! When we sit solid and still, we stop all human karmas, reach nirvana, and awaken to the truth of dependent origination and dependent cessation. All buddhas have awakened in this truth and practiced it with all beings always. … Continue reading

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Impermanence Is Interdepencence

Good morning! Even though we have hot weather in the day time, we can have fresh, cool air in the early morning. Even though it is said that “flowers fall in lamentation and weeds flourish in detestation,” this comes from … Continue reading

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