Paradigm Shift


Good morning!


We have here a cool and clear world with fall weather. We now have a peaceful harmonious world, especially after sittings and service. In other parts of the world, however, extreme weather is taking place with hurricanes, typhoons, heat, torrents with land slides, etc. Scientists say a new anthropo-cene age has begun, as humans leave the remains of radiation, pollution, disaster, global warming, mass extinction, etc., dooming the fate of the planet.


So, we must have a Paradigm Shift, individually, socially, and ecologically. In essence we must advance from ego to eco, sin (separated suffering) to holiness (wholly wholesomeness), karma to dharma through nirvana (no wind, of karma). Individually we must cultivate ourselves by sitting, stilling karma, shifting to nirvana, seeing dharma, serving, and saving all. We must know that we are karma machines with the Triple Poisons causing samsara suffering.


Socially we must shift from our artificial uni-directional pyramidal civilization (urbanization) of power and matter in the fivefold calamity (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, extermination) to a natural cyclical Indra-net culture (cultivation) of life and heart in the fivefold bliss (awakening, freedom, equality, love, peace). We must become the clear crystal of the Indra-net to reflect each other limitlessly as awakening beings, as Mitra, et al.


Eco-logically and eco-nomically we must shift from nature as a resource to be exploited to nurture to be enriched. We must cultivate our eco (oikos, home, integral, inseparable, intimate living sphere or life system, holy home before separation into elements) as culture like that of the Indian Nation, enhancing eco (cultivating all-together as family members) as a global system with 5 Ss, global ethic with 5 Ls, material flow with 5 Rs, and information flow of 5 As.




Note 1. Religion (from Latin re-ligare, re-union, with holiness: wholesome whole, from sin: separation: selfishness) in Spiritual Revolution has been to revolutionize (revolve) the previous one, the Civilization Revolution (civilization, from Latin civitas: city, cf. citadel, discriminating outsiders – peasants, other citizens, other species, forests, etc. by city walls) with slavery, class, war, etc. for fame and fortune to reunify societies and ecology for/in (?) friendship (the ideal figure: future savior: everyone’s potential: Mitra, Mithra, Maitreya, Massiah, Messiah, et al means friend) and freedom ( = Sanskrit priya-dhāman, beloved domain).


  1. Eco (Greek oikos, home) is not simply a mechanical house, but an organic, inseparable life domain/system. Eco-logy (from Greek logos: logic, truth) and eco-nomy (from Greek nomos: norm, management) are the ways our world functions and the methods of managing it. Oikos, its aspects or components, when analyzed, are family, family property, and family house, and the family’s management developed into economy and ecology. The Indo-European root wik/viś means entering, settling, sitting in safety, security, and comfort.


  1. The 5 Ss are the five essential principles of the global system: Systemic, Sustainable, Saving, Safe, and Simple.

The 5 Ls are the five essential principles of the global ethic: Law (of Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated), Life, Love, Liberation, and Lieless-ness.

The 5 Rs are the five principal ways to manage material flow: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rearrange, and Restore.

The 5 As are the five principal ways to manage information flow: Access, Assess, Agree, Act, and Advise.





























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