Good morning!
Yesterday I sent an article to our listserve on meditation merits: regrowing DNA’s
terminating Telomeres and rebuilding the brain’s gray matter in 8 weeks. Early
scientific study started with brain wave research: increasing alpha waves. Its merits
have been known for several thousand years as the Zen posture, like the Buddha’s,
was found in a Indus civilization artifact.
Dogen said its merits are limitless. Limitless merits are made through different
levels of meditation, eventually in nirvana as the merit of melting limitless karma
complexes. Karma kinetics are in the fight or flight fatigue mode of struggle for
survival. Sitting stills all strife, stress, and suffering in the free and full function
mode of serenity in salvation.
Last Sunday we talked about Dhammapada verse 11, on misconceiving
non-essence as essence and vice versa, whose counterpart is verse 12 as follows:
Those who know essence as essence and non-essence as non-essence
Witness essence living in the realm of right thinking. Dhp. 12
Humans out of their self-survival instincts strive to acquire, accumulate, and amass
matters, mights, and moneys limitlessly, considering them as essence and essential,
even sacrificing the true limitless liberation, light, love, and life. Essence (sāra) is
not rigid like heartwood, but fluid like essence or spirit extracted from plants or
grains, essence or core (coeur) of all things.
Essence is amrita, ambrosia of immortality, or nirvana – no-wind of karmas, karma
creations of matters, mights, moneys, and mine or me, material and mortal. The
amrita gate is opened by the Buddha for limitless meditation merits for all, but only
attained by those who enter through it with actual application to themselves with
cultivation/verification. Practice perfects.
Note: The article mentioned above is found at: