Tokyo Governor Election: Critical Turning Point of the World:?
The past Premier Hosokawa, with the strong support of the past Premier Koizumi
(of LDP in line with previous Premiers Hatoyama, Kan of DP, and Murayama of SDP
against nuke plants) and the more than 70% Japanese people that are against nuke
plants, is in a race against previous Welfare Minister Masuzoe, backed by the present
Premier Abe of LDP and the political partner CGP.
Hosokawa’s candidacy is centered on eliminating the nuke plants (all off line after
the devastating Fukushima No. 1 crises – three plants melted down and the fourth
exploded with new and spent fuels 100′ above ground with weak supports – forcing
about 200,000 refugees even almost three years after the disaster), meant to oppose
Abe’s restarting them and exporting such.
Hosokawa’s intention is to change the course of Japan against Abe’s militaristic
(visiting Yasukuni Shrine enshrining war criminals against the strong oppositions
of China and Korea and cautions from the States, EU, etc., pushing for altering the
Peace Constitution, perhaps with the nuke capability option by putting the plants
on line) and materialistic (growth, corporate) tendencies.
Hosokawa (and Koizumi) recommend the energy policy of abolishing nuke plants
with their problems of accidents (on earthquake prone country) and shifting to
renewable energy for better, safer, and more prosperous life with the paradigm shift
of GDP to GDH (harmonious, healthy, happy life with more peaceful, natural,
ecological ways with people and planet).
Polls say Masuzoe is leading and Hosokawa following with Utsunomiya, who also
wants to stop the restart of nuke plants, thus dividing the no nuke electorate into
two (failing the unified candidacy). If Hosokawa wins on 2/9, Abe needs to re-
consider his prerogative push backed with majority rule in both Houses, and become
a great sea change for nukes and paradigm shift in the world.
Morihiro Hosokawa
Jun’ichiro Koizumi