Good morning!
When we get up early and come here, we can see beautiful things – this morning the just rising sun shining forth through clouds, but now overcast with dark clouds. So, we may have rain soon and may not be able to work in the garden.
I worked the whole morning yesterday, trimming trees, seeking soil, removing leaves, sowing seeds– morning glories, mums, etc. – at the front hedge, so that people passing by can enjoy them.
The weatherman’s 20% rain forecast fortunately turned out to realize 100% this morning, so rain has moistened mounds among water garden trenches, and seeds are soaked for sprouting soon. Garden lovers had already watered them well, luckily.
When we water our garden, we find new flowers blooming all around, abundantly. If we pursue only our individual interests and are indignant to do samu, we cannot find such natural beauty. Our civilization is leaving nature farther and farther behind.
We are more and more alienated from nature and we are losing our nature, that is, our true nature. We must find our original true nature in order to live our true, wholly wholesome way in the wholly wholesome world.