Limitless Learning Is Limitless Light, Liberation, Love, and Life

Good morning!


Today we have the new moon. In the darkness we already have many cars driving on the highway. If we are in a rush, we must race, cut in, or compete, maybe causing accidents, and then a chain of accidents.


When we sit down still and serene, we have no racing, competition, or conflicts, but rather, we can see such situations and know how to deal with them. The more we sit calm and clear, the more we can reflect on our world and illuminate it like the full moon.


Like a crystal ball, clear inside and out, we can reflect inside and out without turbulence and turbidity. Through our limitless learning, we can have limitless light, liberation, love, and life.


The Buddha said, “Friends make all our lives.” We should not only ask others to become friends, but we must first make ourselves friends. That’s why, as the universal religions tell us, future saviors are friends: Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Masiah, et al.


If we become friends of all, our world will become that of friends everywhere. When we love mountains, mountains love us, revealing limitless truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness. Then, we can live on joy, tasting amrita in unconditioned peace and prognosis.




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