The Doomsday Clock is at 100 seconds before midnight, i.e., the doom of the world in 100 seconds. The utmost urgent problem is nuclear holocaust; nuclear warheads are now at hair-trigger alert, aimed at thousands of major cities, controlled by one man’s command, mishaps, etc. Wars of invasion, genocide, oppression, etc., are butchering, torturing, destroying infrastructure and trade, creating refugees, starvation, etc. Militarism sacrifices the solution to ecological, economic, social, and cultural problems.
The cause of this is the state system, from city to nation states, discriminating, exploiting, and exterminating outsiders by amassing money, matter, and might. This is due to the selfishness of egos, ego societies (states, media, companies, religions, educations: five fictitious bodies, but major actors). This is due to the delusion of ego, myths of the states, etc., mistake of mini-max and delusion of symbolism, as in mistaking ego greater than eco, delusion of selves, states as substance and sovereign.
The solution is stopping the fiction of symbolism of language, religion, state, etc. Ernst Cassirer defined humans as skillful symbol handlers, thus creating myths of the state, etc. The Buddha defined all beings as karma-born, -heirs, -owners, -machines, -refuged. If we understand them, we can be awakened from our delusion of the self, state, etc. and act in a new, truthful, ethical way of life and living, following the supramundane truth and global ethic, avoiding killing, stealing, lying, sacrificing others, living a holy life.
The way of solution lies in stopping min-max mistakes and stilling our karma and seeing the Dharma, serving and saving all. Stop selfishness, states sacrificing eco, life, life systems, etc. Still karma, see the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all related and relative, no absolute self, states, etc. Let all observe the global ethic, never allowing selves or states to violate them. Let us live in the holy (wholly wholesome) way and world as an integral part and parcel of the Indra-net, reflecting each other.
June 11, 2022 C.E.
- Wars, colonialism, slavery, class, etc. started when humans started citadels, called civitas, polis, pura, bourg, etc., with walls of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination (five calamities of city states to nation states: mono-directional pyramidal civilization, urbanization, for money, matter, and might).
- Mini-max mistakes are mistakes due to taking mini as max like ego as the most important/ greatest (than eco). All mistakes can be summarized in this from the major ones in space, time, and world (mundane as supra-mundane, etc. like mini as max).
- Ernst Cassirer’s “An Essay on Man” is a good summary of his major work, Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. His The Myth of the State is a good work to see the problems of the state.
- The greatest problem of humans is that humans themselves don’t even know that they are karma-machines, being caught by our own karma (actions, habits, heredities), much less no knowing of the solution to it and the actual practice of that solution.
- 戦争、植民、奴隷制、階級などは人が城砦、即ち(我)妄想、束縛、差別、搾取、殺戮(都市国家から国民国家:金・物・力を求める人工一方向金字塔文明の五禍)の壁のある城市(civitas, polis, pura, bourgなど)で始めた。
- 大小過誤は例えばエゴを(エコより)重大・偉大と小を大とする過誤。一切の過誤は主要な空間、時間、世界(世俗を超俗とする)小を大とする主要な過誤を総括している。
- エルンスト・カッシラーの「人間」(岩波書店刊)は彼の主著である「象徴形式の哲学の良い摘要である。彼の「国家の神話」は国家の問題を見るのに良い著作である。
- 人間の最大の問題は自らが我々自身の業(行動、習慣、遺伝)の捕らわれている業機械であることさえ知らないことであるが、その解決方法を知らず、まして実践しないことが更に問題である。