Good morning!
We’re having a nice spring season with abundant greenery and pleasant spring air, especially after our sittings. Zen-jo, jhāna-samādhi, is the ultimate state of Zen and most of the 37 Ways. The Four Stages of Zen show its essence and effect of one-pointedness, one-centeredness, and one-wholeness (eka-agra-tā, agra = akros, top/cap) of the mind (one-mindedness, con-centration: samādhi) throughout (widened, deepened, and cleared as the stages are advanced).
It is initially focusing on one object (breathing, etc.), gradually letting go of mental fabrications or stilling karma (conceptions, emotions, and volitions as the stages are advanced). It is stilling, settling, synthesizing, and integrating in one wholesome whole (holiness in the dharma-realm from karma-realm). It is settling in one perfect sphere (ichi-en-so: one circle aspect: holiness) in peace and truth.
As Dogen said, “To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self; to learn the self is to forget the self; to forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas.” The bodies and minds of the self and others (karma kinetics and consequences) are falling away, and the dharma world is witnessed in nirvana and bodhi, awakening, and prajňā, prognosis, more and more, wider and deeper.
This witnessing of one world of all beyond a separated, substantial self in substancelessness (suňňatā/śūnyatā) – the so-called “original face” or “true nature” – is important to be witnessed as the ultimate truth by more people, to be seen as the original state before the karma consequences of conventional truth. The difficulty is in actual cultivation and verification, as Dogen said.
May 18, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk
特に坐禅の後の私達には豊かな緑と爽やかな春の空気で素晴らしい春の季節を享受します。禅定、jhāna-samādhi、は禅と三十七道種(八聖道等)の大部分の究極状態です。四禅(禅四段階)は(段階を進むにつれて広がり、深まり、清まる)四段階を通じて、心の一境界、一集中、一全体(eka-agra-tā, agra = akros、首・先/端:一心・集中:三昧)の本質と結果を示しています。
2019共通年5月18日 法話