Triple Learning:三学


Good morning!


In the morning sunlight we are now surrounded by many flowers – redbuds, lilacs, crabapples, wisteria, azaleas, dogwood, cherries, etc. The Buddha held up a flower, and Mahakashyapa smiled. We appreciate holy truth, goodness, and beauty there. Plants (still lives) live in holiness, wholly wholesome. Animals (moving lives) are separated from the earth, needing food from others.


Humans developed brains and hands, science and technology, becoming further separated from nature, and now we have created crises such as global warming, mass extinction, and maybe even nuclear winter. Sin, a separated sickness from nature, must be avoided to reunify with holiness, which is the task of religion (from religare: reunion).


All Buddhists treasure and take refuge in the Triple Treasures, the Refuges of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, for holy truth, goodness, and beauty. All Buddhists learn the Triple Learning of morality, concentration, and prognosis (sīla, samādhi, and prajňā) to reunify our volitions, emotions, and intelligence in holiness.


All Buddhist observe the Five Precepts, the first four of which became the Global Ethic. No killing is the most important morality, as nothing can be done without life. No stealing is to assure material order for life. No lying is to assure social order. No sexual misconduct is to assure gender and generation order.


Zen-jō (jhāna-samādhi) is the essential and encompassing practice to still karma (in nirvana, no wind of karma) with its Triple Poisons (desire, divisiveness, delusion) and to reunify with holiness, inclusive of morality and prognosis. Without this, karma is neither realized nor transcended.


Awakening is possible by witnessing nirvana. Prognosis is to prognosticate all problems for solutions, reunifying in holiness in nirvana. The Awakened Way goes on with the constant and concentrated practice of zen-jō in nirvana and awakening, assuring and advancing morality and prognosis in holiness.


April 20, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk









人間は脳と手、科学と技術を発展させて、更に自然から離れて、今や地球温暖化、大量絶滅、更には核の冬さえ有り得る危機を創り出しました。罪、自然からの分離病患、は聖性に帰一(再合一)して避けなければなりませんが、それが宗教(ラテン語religare: 帰一:再合一)の課題です。


仏教徒は全て聖なる真善美の為に仏法僧の三宝を宝物とし、仏法僧の三帰に帰依します。仏教徒は全て知情意を聖性に帰一する為に戒定慧(sīla, samādhi, and prajňā)の三学を学習します。






2019共通年4月20日 法話




























































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