Good morning!
We have a beautiful, calm Saturday with autumnal colors. I remember the abundant golden leaves of an 800-year-old ginkgo tree at Zuioji Monastery falling. Sitting still lets us be “exposed to the golden wind.” “The whole world in ten directions is a clear crystal ball,” Xuansha said. The whole world becomes transparent, embracing all beings, crystal balls, each transparently reflecting the others with the whole world.
The Indra-net reflects this, with all of its crystal balls on all knots reflecting each other with the whole world, expressing the endless interdependent co-origination of all phenomena in space and time. It represents the truth world in interdependent co-origination, where each is with (mit in German) all others. Mitra means friend, one with/mit others. This is the truth of the phenomenal world.
Humankind could survive and can prosper in the community of friends/families, as the proverb says, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” A true friend becomes an ideal person, anyone can become – in communities, and in religious communities especially – as Mitra, Mithra, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah, Messiah, etc. -, now as an ideal figure, usually as the future savior.
If we can become totally transparent, like a crystal ball of the Indra-net, we can become holy (wholly wholesome) truth, goodness, beauty – limitless, egoless, fearless, deathless – like trees, truthful, peaceful, harmonious with all: air, water, light, earth, temperature, gravity, genes, bacteria, bees, butterflies, flowers, fruits, fauna, stars, space, and so forth.
11/3/2018 C.E. Dharma talk
Note: Tree and true share the root(dhṝ)(cf. durable, duration, endure, dhrva: enduring: Sanskrit), the root of dharma.
人類は、「まさかの時の友こそ真の友」と諺が言うように、友・家族(一つ屋根の下の者達)の共同体で生き残ることが出来たし、繁栄することが出来るのです。真の友は、誰でもなれる、理想の人間になりましたが、特に諸宗教共同体ではーMitra, Mithra, Mazda, Massiah, Messiah等としてー今では理想像、通常未来の救世主、になっています。
2018共通年11月3日 法話
註:木(tree)は真実(true)と語根(dhṝ)が同じで「永続する」(durable, duration, endure, 梵語dhrva:堅固, など参照)を意味し、法(dharma)の語根とも同じです。