Category Archives: Dogen

Dogen’s “Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way,” 1

    Dogen’s poems were collected by Toun Kishun, 8th abbot of Hokyoji Temple in Oh’ei 27 (1420 C.E.), 168 years after Dogen’s parinirvana, passing away, and later added. The first one is on his journey from Eiheiji to Kyoto … Continue reading

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Sitting and Seeing Mountain Peaks

Good evening!   I heard from Japan that the plum flowers at Kairaku-en, Co-enjoying-garden, are now in full bloom, though late due to the deep cold snow season.   Dogen loved plum flowers blooming in the chill with strong scent. He said that we have the time to see all the peaks.   For that we must strive step by step in continuous concentrated effort, free from all other concerns, and fully, with our total power.   Then we can see all the peaks as if sitting alone at the peak of the Great Courageous One, the Buddha, enjoying the scent of amrita, immortality.   3/15/13   Note: A monk asked Hyakujo (Bai-zhang:百丈), “What is an unusual thing?” Hyakujo said, “Sitting alone at the peak of the Great Courageous One (大雄).”   Hyakujo Ekai (百丈懐海:Baizhan Huaihai) lived at the peak of Mt. Hyakujo (hundred feet) or Mt. Great Hero/Great Courageous One (大雄), thus … Continue reading

Posted in Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade), Dogen, Supramundane (loka-uttara) | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Moving Mind

In response to my liftserve posting:   The banner, wind, or the mind moving?   “Doing all good, Doing no evil, Purifying the mind Is the teaching of All Buddhas.”   Garyo sent in a poem w/ photos:   No … Continue reading

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