Tag Archives: equanimity (upekhā

Buddhas’ Bodhisattvas’ Brahma-vihāra

Good morning!   We learned about a father losing his life, but saving his daughter’s life amidst a snowstorm whiteout in Hokkaido. He must have learned from his life the Brahma-vihāra, Holy-living, and enjoyed the Holy-abode or limitlessness of learning, liberation, light, love of friendship, compassion, joy, and equanimity.   It is the Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ Brahma-vihāra, based on the Dharma of Dependent Origination, intimately intertwined, selfless, supramundane Dharma-dhātu, which is diametrically opposite to selfishness. What would have been the consequence, if he had cultivated and verified the opposite way world?   3/5/13   Note: Four Brahma-vihāra = Four Limitlessnesses of friendship (mettā:Pali,  maitrī:Sanskrit, 慈:Sino-Japanese, ji: Japanese),compassion (karuņā, 悲, hi), joy (mudita, 喜, ki), equanimity (upekhā, upekśā, 捨, sha)   Enjoy the soft spring snow falling in the Great Triple Thousand Worlds (1,000 great worlds, each … Continue reading

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