Tag Archives: peace

Karma World

We have a nice beautiful Sunday, especially after sitting. We feel calm and clear, very peaceful, because we are, in a sense, in nirvana, a windless state, with no wind of karma blowing. That is what nirvana means: no wind … Continue reading

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    We have warm atmosphere this morning. Thus, we have rain opening life activities, which give warmth and water.   The warm heart (society) gives raining compassion, opening life wisdom, warming and watering. This is virtuous circle.   The … Continue reading

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No Unity with Guns: No Peace with Weapons

Guns are for killing people. Guns are necessary against foes. Guns are due to distrust and fear. Distrust and fear are from the self as well as the other, essentially from small selves: self-centeredness. Self-centeredness is the fundamental obstacle against … Continue reading

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