Tag Archives: unconditioned peace

Awakening with All Always

Good evening! When we sit solid and still, we stop all human karmas, reach nirvana, and awaken to the truth of dependent origination and dependent cessation. All buddhas have awakened in this truth and practiced it with all beings always. … Continue reading

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Holy Truth, Holy Path

Good morning! When we get up early, we can feel the fresh, cool morning air. When we step out from our houses, we can see beautiful nature. When we sit down calm and clear, we can discover how our perceptions, … Continue reading

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Impermanence Is Interdepencence

Good morning! Even though we have hot weather in the day time, we can have fresh, cool air in the early morning. Even though it is said that “flowers fall in lamentation and weeds flourish in detestation,” this comes from … Continue reading

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Way to Wholly Wholesome World

Good morning!   After a few solid, still sittings – stopping karmas – we have pure, peaceful perception and prognosis beyond personal perversions, delusions, desires.   This is described in many ways: nirvana (windless, unconditioned peace, a-sankhata, un-made), sukha-vatî (joy-ful, … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Unconditioned Peace (nirvana) = Ultimate Pleasure (gokuraku)

Good morning! When we get up early and get into a garden or a field, we can enjoy a lot of flowers, grass, and trees glittering in the morning sun. As we cultivate the land and plant seeds and seedlings, … Continue reading

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Practice Perfects

Good morning! Aspiration and action witness unsurpassed awakening and unconditioned peace. Unsurpassed awakening attests the dharma (norm) of dependent origination that all phenomena originate depending on causes and conditions. It verifies that samsara and sufferings originate depending on delusions and … Continue reading

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Wholly Wholesome Way

Good evening! Sitting in zen is stilling all karmas (physical/psychological: volitional/emotional/conceptual actions and action results). It is to stop ego-centeredness and become holy (wholly wholesome). It is the holy (hagia, ariya, ârya, omni: wholly) way to know and act. The … Continue reading

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Emancipation (Mukti, Mutti, Vimukti, Vimokha)

Good evening! From June 1 in Japan people altogether change their dark heavy robes to bright light clothes (called koromo-gae, 衣替え). This makes them feel light and cool. We already can hear the strong sounds of cicadas. Basho made the … Continue reading

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Praxis Perfection

Good evening!   By the truth or law of dependent origination, all things change. Humans increase and experience this flow as ups and downs, gains and losses, and births and deaths. Thus they must suffer more in samsara, constant flow, … Continue reading

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Penetrating Pure Peace

Good evening!   We have a nice evening with the sound of singing birds and racing cars. Our life is like racing cars driven by desires through ups and downs, births and deaths incessantly.   Only when we sit down … Continue reading

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