Tag Archives: truth

Ocean Seal Samadhi

Good evening!   After the recent heat wave we had a rain shower just before we came here. The air cooled down and the leaves became wet. When we sit in solid, still sitting – like trees – we can … Continue reading

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Beyond birth-death

Good morning! Usually when we sit early in the morning we have cool, fresh air, but it’s going up to 101 degrees, with a heat index going up to 115. The world seems to be ablaze – flowers are falling. … Continue reading

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Way to Wholly Wholesome World

Good morning!   After a few solid, still sittings – stopping karmas – we have pure, peaceful perception and prognosis beyond personal perversions, delusions, desires.   This is described in many ways: nirvana (windless, unconditioned peace, a-sankhata, un-made), sukha-vatî (joy-ful, … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Holy Home-coming

Good morning! After a few solid, serene sittings, we can taste amrita, the ambrosia of immortality beyond samsara (vicissitudes in birth and death) and suffering here and now. Only by actual practice we can taste it. Only with actual practice … Continue reading

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Practicing Peace

Good morning! As we sit in zazen, we can enjoy the fresh morning wind and beautiful water sound. We breathe fresh air full and free with penetrating purity and peace here and now. Only practice makes perfect in the witnessing … Continue reading

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Wholly Wholesome Way

Good morning!   In our quiet sitting, we can hear the sounds of racing cars and an ambulance siren; but we also hear flowing water and singing birds. There are two ways, artificial and natural, and further mundane and supramundane. … Continue reading

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Wholly Wholesome Whole

Good morning!   When we come here and sit in zazen, we can enjoy peace, truth, beauty, and goodness with the fresh air and the birds’ singing. Thus, we realize the wholly wholesome state.   This is possible only by … Continue reading

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Body and Brain

Good morning!   It is a bright, beautiful Sunday morning with the abundant green after a long spell of rain. Now we have fresh air with a beautiful flower, truthful light, and fragrant incense. We sit together and enjoy this … Continue reading

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Sitting and Samu (Work)

Good morning!   After a long spell of rain, according to the weather forecast, we are still continuing rainy days. But, fortunately, we have a very bright Sunday morning today.   After the beautiful, stable, soft, and serene bell sounds … Continue reading

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Witness with Work

Good morning! When we get up early and come here to sit in zazen, we can enjoy the fresh morning air, the cool morning dew, and the bright morning sunlight. When we cultivate the soil, sow seeds, and transplant, they … Continue reading

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