Tag Archives: Buddha

Truth Turns

Good morning! After some cloudy days, we can now see an almost half-full moon in the mid-sky. We couldn’t see how big and bright the moon was, but in the east we could see the beautiful morning star. On the … Continue reading

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Good evening! When I left my home to come here tonight, I couldn’t see the full moon. But when I got on the Highway 40 East, I saw the big, bright, golden moon just coming up from the horizon. While … Continue reading

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System Sense

Good morning! It is always a good morning after sitting, especially with the spring sunlight and warmth, temperatures coming up to the 40s and 50s after a sweeping snowstorm covered tens of states. As the snowstorm was passing through the … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

About Pine, Ask Pine

The Haiku poet Basho said, “Regarding pine trees, ask pine trees.” The Buddha said, “As we love our selves, others love their selves. So, we must love others’ selves also.” If we listen to pine trees, other plants, other animals, … Continue reading

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Karma World

We have a nice beautiful Sunday, especially after sitting. We feel calm and clear, very peaceful, because we are, in a sense, in nirvana, a windless state, with no wind of karma blowing. That is what nirvana means: no wind … Continue reading

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Morning Star

      Because we got up early and came here to practice zazen, we can see the full moon in the west and the morning star in the east through our windows.   Seeing the morning star, the Buddha … Continue reading

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