Tag Archives: Buddha

Triple Treasure

Good morning! After sittings we have a peaceful, calm, and clear world with fresh air. Sitting makes us true. True and tree share the root, deru, enduring, or dhri, holding (root of dharma: form, norm). Trees stay solid, still, and … Continue reading

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Saving All

Good evening!   Dogen said,   “To learn the Awakened Way is learn the self. To learn the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is be verified by all dharma. To be verified by all dharmas … Continue reading

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Sitting and Samu (Work)

Good morning!   After a long spell of rain, according to the weather forecast, we are still continuing rainy days. But, fortunately, we have a very bright Sunday morning today.   After the beautiful, stable, soft, and serene bell sounds … Continue reading

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Samadhi or Suffering

Good morning! As we get up early and come here, we can enjoy beautiful flowers, bright candlelight, fragrant incense, a beautiful bell sound, and the beautiful singing of birds, flowers, abundant green. If we don’t follow this way, we cannot … Continue reading

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Day by Day a Delightful Day

Good morning! Every day we can see new flowers starting to bloom and the new day breaking. Dogen said, Flowers fall in lamentation; weeds flourish in detestation.” But if we weed in our garden, we find flowers blooming there. The … Continue reading

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Delight in Dharma

Good morning!   After a long spell of rain and storms, tornados, we have a very fine, peaceful Sunday morning. We are now having a very bright and beautiful world, especially after our silent, serene sittings.   Last night I … Continue reading

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  Good morning!   Even though it is unusually, unseasonably chilly, we have now a fine, quiet daybreak and a warm spring day.   We have different ways of understanding and acting depending on individual judgments, social justifications, and natural … Continue reading

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Profound Peaceful Place

Good morning! It is very fortunate that we can sit together surrounded by the Buddha statues and by the abundant, beautiful green of trees, grass, flowers, and atmosphere impregnated with the water of life, having been living for billions of … Continue reading

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Death and Devastation

Good morning! After successive harsh tornados and heavy rain, we now have a clear, bright daybreak with the thin moon high in the sky, the morning star having disappeared. When we step into our garden, we can see big, beautiful … Continue reading

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Merits of Morality

Good morning!   We saw the beautiful morning star high in the sky. We saw the flower at the altar and smelled the fragrance of the incense.   A couple of millennia ago the Buddha said that the fragrance of … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment