Good morning!
Yesterday a big telecommunication company serviceman came to fix my very slow
Internet connection problem. He said it was a simple mistake to put the net gear too
far from the modem. He also fixed the poor function of my computer to get better
connections (handshakes) with internet launchers.
Our life is like this, with a simple, but salient, mistake of having the net gear
(extender, Dharma) too far from the modem of the Awakened One (Buddha). We
must fix the poor function of individual computing systems to get better connections
(handshakes) with the Internet (Indra-net) launchers.
The Buddha (supra-mundane) mode is completely new and good (wholly
wholesome), compared to the old and poor one (karma kinesis). The Dharma is the
net gear (extender) of unconditioned peace (nirvana) and unsurpassed awakening
(bodhi), where all systems are as clear crystals in the Sangha-net.
The karma mode is at a dead end, with the global problematique of human global
pyramidal system; global, individual, social, and ecological problems; mass
extinction caused by the triple poisons. The solution lies in the triple learning, sīla,
samādhi, and prajñā, of the triple treasures or refuges.