Honsho Myoshu: Original Verification Exquisite Cultivation



The Soto Shikan-taza (只管打坐:Total sitting) is Honsho Myoshu (本証妙修:

Original Verification in Exquisite Cultivation). As we sit and still our karmas,

we settle in nirvana (windless state from karmas) and bodhi (verification or

awakening of it). simply sit, not expecting enlightenment.


Except for experiencing enlightenment all are already in the Dharma of Dependent

Origination, organized in the three marks of impermanence, suffering (going against

grain, greed), selfless. The fourth mark or dharma is going beyond all these, that is,

nirvana, no wind of karmas.


When I visited my cousin last fall, I saw a calendar of words, which said “I don’t take

words wrong (or ill-intended). It is difficult and dangerous to take someone’s words

not ill-intended, but Sangha (Community of harmony)  is to accept advice goodwill-

grounded. Simply see, not creating karmas.

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