Plant Practice

Good evening!


We had nice rain after hot dry days. So, plants and animals have been enjoying the cool moistened air and earth, and working and benefiting each other.


This morning when I transplanted morning glories, I found the seeds I sowed three days ago had already sprouted, as we had watered and later a light shower came.


I found hibiscus spreading everywhere in my yard, so I dug them up making another hedge. All the hibiscus plants there are originally transplanted from here.


When we transplant, especially tiny plants, they easily dry and die. So, we need to watch them carefully and take good care of them, watering and weeding.


But, once plants get rooted well enough, they grow quickly and become difficult to pull out. They grow fast with all their power with water, wind, light, etc.


If we take care of plants with seeding, watering, weeding, and working, they grow great, working with all and benefiting all.


Our practice is the same. If we sow seed, they sprout. If we water, they won’t die, but continue growing great. We can enjoy them working and benefiting all always.





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