Flower Festival:花祭り

Flower Festival


April 8 is celebrated as the Flower Festival or Buddha’s Birthday, called Bathing Buddha Meeting (灌仏会), in northern Buddhist countries (Vesak in southern Buddhist countries). People gather to bathe the baby Buddha with sweet tea to celebrate him as the future awakening being (bodhisattva) and the awakened one (buddha) to save all from suffering.


Siddhatta Gotama saw the suffering of aging, sickness, and death and strove to solve it by sitting still (za-zen), settling in nirvana (no wind, of karma), seeing the Dharma (Law of Dependent Co-origination), and serving and saving all. He found that our suffering comes from our karma, imbued with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion.


He found the solution in stilling karma (of the body, mouth, and mind), reaching nirvana and awakening in the Dharma. He practiced zazen as the fundamental practice to attain nirvana / awakening / prognosis and advised that all attain the same. He devoted his whole life to sharing his awakened way with all to become awakened and to save all from the destruction of the world.


He foresaw the destruction of the world and prognosticated the triple learnings, the four holy truths, the eight holy ways, etc., as practical ways for all to become awakened (buddha) and strive as bodhisattvas to save themselves and the world in holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness. As the doomsday clock is ticking to zero, we all must practice these ways of all and for all.


April 5, 2024 C.E.



1. Karma is instilled with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of ego/mei: I/my). The Buddha said that all living beings are karma-birthed, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. He clarified that there is no self-substance with self-sameness (permanent) and self-sovereignty (wishful) entities due to the Dharma (Truth/Law) of all dharmas (phenomena), Dependent Co-origination. We as karma-machines must change to the Dharma-refuged in order to change the world in suffering to one in holiness (wholly wholesome: harmonious, healthy, and happy).

2. Zazen (still sitting meditation) stills karma (of the body, mouth, and mind), removing the five coverings of lust-desire, covetousness-malevolence, sloth-drowsiness, agitation-worry, and doubt, the four defilements of lust, becoming, view, and nescience, stilling intellection, emotion, and volition to reach zero (emptiness, emancipation, neutral, no-thingness, nirvana) state, where one for the first time wakes up from the long night of nescience (no witness, of nirvana) to see the selfless truth/ethic (Dharma/dharma). It un-conditions our karma and reconditions our new actions to function freely and fully with all. It orders the body, breathing, and brain into the best condition, becoming holy (wholly wholesome: all – self/other healthy), harmonious, healthy, and happy.

3. Nirvana means no wind (of karma imbued with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion), where one can for the first time witness the Dharma world and become awakened from the long night of nescience to the Dharma of all dharmas in calm, clear, controlled, and careful conditions, then prognosticate problems and sufferings in the Four Holy Truths and the Eight Holy Ways.

4. Dharma means 1. form (from d-harm: phenomenon) and 2. norm (from d-h-arm: norm: law operating through phenomena: ethic), and 3. the teaching of the law of all phenomena, that is, Dependent Co-origination (originally awakened on the origination of perception/consciousness depending on the sense organs and objects, but later applied to all phenomena, cf. note 5). This law is similar to the law of causality, now used by sciences, but deeper and wider, applied beyond objects – more on subjects and symbols – ideas, etc.).

5. “The Dharma (Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena/ truths/ethics)” is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions (similar to the Law of Causality, but deeper and wider – beyond conventions, conceptions, objects, etc.). This means that we are interrelated with other beings (other species, elements, stars, etc.), and relatives to each other, and that we must therefore live together harmoniously and strive to make a wholly wholesome world to become harmonious, healthy, and happy.

6. The practice of zen (jhāna/dhyāna: meditation), the key and core practice of za-zen, sitting meditation, is to still karma, settle in nirvana, see the Dharma, and serve and save all. This process is categorized in the Four Zen Stages and the Eight Concentration (samādhi) Stages (actually Four Zen Stages plus Four Concentration Stages combined, going together).

7. The Triple Poisons are desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of a self-same, self-sovereign self). The “Triple Only” are only me, only now, and only money (short-sighted views and actions, which make the wider world worse), which can be cured by the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis.

8. The four holy truths are those of suffering (duk-kha, wrong-going, going against wishes), the cause of it (identified as craving: taṅhā/tṛṣṇā, lit. thirst, as drinking seawater), the cessation of it (identified as nirvana: no-wind, cf. nivāte padīpa: lamplight in no-wind), and the way for it (identified as the eight holy ways).

9. The eight holy (ariya/ārya) ways (ariya-aṭṭhaṅgika-magga/ ārya-aṣṭāṅga-mārga) are right view (sammā‑diṭṭhi/ samyag-dṛṣṭi), right thinking (sammā-saṅkappa/ samyak-saṃkalpa), right speech (sammā-vācā/ samyag-vāc), right action (sammā-kammanta/ samyak-karmānta), right livelihood (sammā-ājīva/ samyag-ājīva), right striving (sammā-vāyāma/ samyag-vyāyāma), right mindfulness (sammā-sati/ samyak-smṛti), and right concentration (sammā-samādhi/ samyak-samādhi).
















4.法(dharma)は 形態(form: d-harmより: 現象:真理)、2.規則(norm: d-h-armより:現象中の規則:倫理)、3.諸法の法、縁起(元来は感覚器官と感覚対象に依る知覚・意識の発生に覚醒したが後に一切現象に適用されたもの。註5参照)。この法則は、現今諸科学に用いられる、因果律と同様であるが、もっと深く広い-客体を越えて主体と観念などの象徴に適用される。


6.禅(jhāna/dhyāna: 瞑想)、鍵となり核となる坐禅の実践、は業を静め、涅槃に安住し、法を見、一切に奉仕し救済する。この過程は四禅と八定(samādhi)である(実際には四禅と四定は一緒で結合している)。


8.四聖諦(catur-ārya-satya/cattāri ariya-saccāni)は苦 (duk-kha, 上手く行かない:不満), その原因 (欲:taṅhā/tṛṣṇā, 字義:海水でも飲む渇愛), その滅 (涅槃: 無風、業の, cf. nivāte padīpa: 無風の灯明), とその道程 (八聖道). 聖(ariya/ārya) は全体健全(全体が健全:調和、健康、幸福)であること。

9.八聖 道 (ariya-aṭṭhaṅgika-magga/ ārya-aṣṭāṅga-mārga) は正見 (sammā‑diṭṭhi/ samyag-dṛṣṭi), 正思 (sammā-saṅkappa/ samyak-saṃkalpa), 正語 (sammā-vācā/ samyag-vāc), 正行 (sammā-kammanta/ samyak-karmānta), 正業 (sammā-ājīva/ samyag-ājīva), 正精進 (sammā-vāyāma/ samyag-vyāyāma), 正念 (sammā-sati/ samyak-smṛti), 正定 (sammā-samādhi/ samyak-samādhi)。






Flower Festival decoration at Zuioji, Niihama, Shikoku, Japan




Baby Buddha and sweet tea







Steps to Zuioji Entrance






Zuioji Entrance and the Great Bell Tower above it








Millions of cherry blossom petals in the Dragon Pond in front of the Entrance





Zuioji Hatto (Dharma Hall)






Zuioji Front Garden viewong the Entrance and Corridors


(Above pictures were taken by Garyo, who stayed there eight years ago except the 2nd one)




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