Stopping Civilization Syndrome

Good evening!

We sit amidst the heat wave. Heat waves, flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons –
all these abnormal climate phenomena are a part of global warming. Abnormal nuclear
fireballs and fallouts are a part of a “civilization syndrome” which also includes
wars and terrorism.

The Buddha said that the world is on fire: the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind
are on fire. We must change our philosophy and religion fundamentally to solve our
problems and sufferings, and to save the world from the doom and destruction.

Kaisen Osho said, “If the heart-head were to be extinct, even fire is cool.” We must cultivate ourselves and others to extinguish the fire and to make the world cool. Only when people become awakened and live wakefully, can we solve all human problems.




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