Unconditioned Peace & Unsurpassed Awakening: 無条件平和・無上道覚醒


Good morning!


We can now see colored leaves incessantly falling. Ryokan’s last moment poem is “Showing the back, showing the front – alas, falling leaves’re.” The popular poem says, “Falling fall leaves, non-falling leaves, but non-falling leaves are also falling leaves.” We are all falling leaves and our defilements are also falling leaves. Then, tree trunks expose themselves to the golden wind, turning into truth/peace.


The Buddha in truth/peace told us the Four Holy Truths and the Eightfold Holy Way. The first truth tells of suffering, the second the suffering-sources, the third suffering-sources’ cessation, and the fourth the way to suffering-sources’ cessation. The second is identified as thirst, coming from nescience, the third is nirvana, its cessation, the fourth is the Eightfold Holy Way leading to nirvana/Bodhi, ultimate peace/truth.


Nirvana is cessation of karma wind, ultimately no self (-sameness/-sovereignty), thus no conditioning, no becoming, no birth-death, no fear, no defilement, etc. The Four States are awake, asleep, sound-sleep, and shikantaza, single-minded sitting. The fourth, caturīya, is also called tulya, balanced, complete control. This is free, full function, unlike other states conditioned and constrained.


Zen practice embraces both on and off the zafu, sitting cushion, entering into nirvana and extending it into karma ken/kinetic with free full function, unconditioned and unconstrained. On and off are inseparable sides continued and concentrated, cultivated and communed, commanded and communicated, advancing to the depth and flying to the height like two wheels and two wings.


11/10/2018 C.E. Dharma talk














2018共通年11月10日 法話



































































The above photos were taken at Mt. Akagi  and sent 

by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka from Japan.

He was attracted by the etymological root of

tree and true coming from dhṝ,

the root of dharma, enduring.



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