Category Archives: Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade)

Squirrel or Sitting, Selfish or Selfless, Smelly Skin Sack or Dharma Dhatu Delight

For fleas and lice – if Being singing insects, My sleeves are the Fields of Musashino plain.                                – Ryokan Daigu (Well-wide Great-fool) Smelly skin sack … Continue reading

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Flowers Flourish

Flower Pictures Sent by  Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan

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Mundane and Supra-mundane Mirror

Good morning!   I got a phone call from Japan last night, hearing of a big snow storm with piling snow. Unless we are informed, we cannot know about it here.   Unless we actually climb a mountain, we cannot witness the wide, far reaching views and wonderful, fine, refreshing air there.   Blind people couldn’t see an elephant’s full form and fought for their idea of it, but King Mirror could see and understand its full form and functions.   Unless we become like a perfect, pure mirror, not defiled by mundane dust, we cannot know the total truth of our worlds and lives.   1/14/13  

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Hummingbird Extinguishing Forest Fire

Good morning!   When we sit solid and serene, we stay in primordial peace, purity, and prognosis, in harmony with all throughout space and time. Anyone can enjoy them, extinguishing worldly fires.   The Buddha said, “The world is ablaze – our eyes are ablaze, our ears are ablaze, our noses are ablaze, our tongues are ablaze, our bodies are ablaze, our minds are ablaze.”   For a friend’s birthday, I sent an e-card of a hummingbird, saying the process here and now is important, not some far off goal. He responded that he would work as the little hummingbird to extinguish forest fires:   1/13/13 (at family sitting with the addition of the “Little Hummingbird” story and an e-card talked at the morning teisho. The card is addressed to all our readers now and in the future.)      

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Karma Makes Man; No Karma Makes Buddha

Good evening!   We say, “Habits make the second nature.” Habits make the first nature; habits are defined as nature. Our karmas make ourselves with forms, functions, and features.   The Buddha said, “One is holy or unholy not by … Continue reading

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Primary Purity, Peace, and Prognosis

Good evening!   Whenever we sit still and stop karmas, we remain stable, safe, and satisfied. When kings and others visited the Buddha’s place with hundreds of monks sitting still and serene, they were amazed at the peace, harmony, and … Continue reading

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Sankhata and Asankhata

Good evening!   We had very cold weather, going down to 15 degrees. InJapanthey have deep snow now.  Mountain climbers are troubled and lost in snow storms.   We are all mountain climbers, troubled and lost in the mountains of … Continue reading

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Supramundane Merits and Mundane Miseries

Good evening!   This time of the year is a time of reflection and resolution. What are your reflections and resolutions?   A Chinese emperor, seeing many ships plying up and down a great river, asked a Buddhist monk, “How … Continue reading

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White Heron in White Snow World

Good morning!   When we sit, we become like white herons in a white snowfield, becoming one with it, speckless, calm and clear, pure and peaceful.   12/30/12 (Family sitting)

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Sit Stable, Safe, Stormless

Good evening!   A snowstorm seems to have arrived here now. It was difficult to drive through the slippery and sight-blocking snowfall conditions.   When we sit stable, safe, without storms of karmas, there is neither danger nor disaster in … Continue reading

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