Category Archives: Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade)

Fully Filled Calm and Clear

Good evening!   We could have seen the full moon if not with clouds. The full moon represents the Buddha mind, perfectly round, fully filled, calm and clear. Actually the full moon is always there day and night beyond the … Continue reading

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Pure Peace and Prognosis

Good morning!   Since last night we have had strong wind and rain, so this morning we saw leaves and branches fallen.   When we sit still and serene, however, we have no wind, rain or falling of our minds, … Continue reading

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Good Day Every Day

Good morning!   With warm wet weather we can now enjoy green grass already up to almost 60 degrees. In contrast in Japan people there have two to three times more snow waiting very late spring with the nuclear disaster … Continue reading

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Best Life Saving All

Good evening!   How can we live our best life in a precious spring-like evening worth a thousand pieces of gold? This is it. The Buddha said that this is good in the beginning, in the middle, and in the … Continue reading

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Self-island into Dharma-dhatu

Good morning!   We saw the brilliant shining spring sun before we came here. We have now a dim candle light here.   At night the candle light could show us the dim world.  In the day time the sun … Continue reading

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Wholly Wholesome World

Good evening!   We are having nice warm weather going around 60. So, we may say the spring evening worth a thousand gold. In Japan snow accumulated to one meter in a day somewhere.   When snow covers all things, … Continue reading

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Freed from Karma Clouds

Good evening!   When we have low air pressure and low temperature, we have clouds of rain, snow, and storms. We are imprisoned in karma clouds defiled by the three poisons of delusion, craving, and anger in short-sight and short-circuit. … Continue reading

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Working Wholly Wholesome Way

Good morning!   We had beautiful benevolent snowfall covering trees and grass, but clear of roads and earth, because earth and the ambient temperature is higher than the freezing point.   Today’s New York Times editorial talked about the dwindling … Continue reading

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Buddha Mind/World Here Now

Good evening!   When I left home it started snowing, but it has not started here yet. We, however, cannot see the full moon with the thick cloud above us.   When we sit solid and serene, we can see … Continue reading

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Clear Crystal Moon Mind

Good morning!   Now we have the full moon, which expresses the Buddha mind and the Buddha world; nothing lacking and nothing extraneous; all fulfilled totally and perfectly.   Ordination (受戒/得度: tokudo) means fulfilled like the full moon. We see … Continue reading

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