Category Archives: Religion

Beyond Pleasure and Pain

Good evening!   Zazen is stopping all karmas, beyond birth and death, pleasure and pain, samsara and suffering.   Ryokan said, “Eventless is the noble person (無事是貴人).” 7/5/11 * 無 means nothingness and 無事 (buji) usually means ”safety, peace,” originally meaning “no event” or … Continue reading

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Day by Day a New Day

Good morning! It seems we had a lot of rain here, thus weeds and wild plants are thriving and rampant; flowers fell and new flowers are blooming. We need, then, to refresh our perspective and priority and to recreate our … Continue reading

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Triple Treasure

Good morning! After sittings we have a peaceful, calm, and clear world with fresh air. Sitting makes us true. True and tree share the root, deru, enduring, or dhri, holding (root of dharma: form, norm). Trees stay solid, still, and … Continue reading

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Still Serene Satisfaction

Good morning!   After a while of sitting, we witness the clear, calm state of the mind and the world; and then we are able to see the merit of sitting and stopping karma. Otherwise, we just go on according … Continue reading

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Good morning!   When we come here and sit in zazen, we can hear the sounds of water falling and birds singing in penetrating pure peace.   The Buddha said, “As one must go through the sole gate to enter … Continue reading

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Penetrating Pure Peace

Good evening!   We have a nice evening with the sound of singing birds and racing cars. Our life is like racing cars driven by desires through ups and downs, births and deaths incessantly.   Only when we sit down … Continue reading

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Practice Perfection

Good morning!   We can enjoy penetrating, pure peace – nirvana – windless state of karma.   Only by practice and perfection, cultivation and verification, can we realize this – hearing the sound of racing cars and honoring the sound … Continue reading

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Wholly Wholesome Whole

Good morning!   When we come here and sit in zazen, we can enjoy peace, truth, beauty, and goodness with the fresh air and the birds’ singing. Thus, we realize the wholly wholesome state.   This is possible only by … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Culture, Global problems, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Light of Life

Good morning!   There are the scattered sounds of water drops dripping on leaves, and the scenes of leaves on branches lightly swaying in silence.   There are the momentary manifestations of mind mirrors reflecting sounds in silence and forms … Continue reading

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Direct Disaster Devastation

Good morning!   In zazen now we have a quiet and calm morning. But on the way here, we saw many trees, boughs, and branches fell by the last evening storm.   In my yard a big willow tree fell, … Continue reading

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