Category Archives: Zen

Sewa, Seva, Serve

Good morning! We can hear the sound of singing birds and flowing water and wind, and see the beautiful sunlight. An old poem says, “When I hear a bird singing, I wonder if it is my father or mother.” It … Continue reading

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Good evening!   When our minds become clear, calm, bright, round, and full, like the full moon we can see today, our minds can illuminate and integrate the world in clear, calm, bright, round, and full light, with compassion and … Continue reading

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Mind Moon

Good morning!   We now have fresh, cool air with the sounds of singing birds and flowing water. Last night we had the full, round, bright moon illuminating the world fully, peacefully, and brightly.   The full moon represents the … Continue reading

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Awakening with All Always

Good evening! When we sit solid and still, we stop all human karmas, reach nirvana, and awaken to the truth of dependent origination and dependent cessation. All buddhas have awakened in this truth and practiced it with all beings always. … Continue reading

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Ocean Seal Samadhi

Good evening!   After the recent heat wave we had a rain shower just before we came here. The air cooled down and the leaves became wet. When we sit in solid, still sitting – like trees – we can … Continue reading

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Way to Wholly Wholesome World

Good morning!   After a few solid, still sittings – stopping karmas – we have pure, peaceful perception and prognosis beyond personal perversions, delusions, desires.   This is described in many ways: nirvana (windless, unconditioned peace, a-sankhata, un-made), sukha-vatî (joy-ful, … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Unconditioned Peace (nirvana) = Ultimate Pleasure (gokuraku)

Good morning! When we get up early and get into a garden or a field, we can enjoy a lot of flowers, grass, and trees glittering in the morning sun. As we cultivate the land and plant seeds and seedlings, … Continue reading

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Limited Life and Limitless Life

Good morning!   Our life is in the holy (wholly wholesome) truth, not the other way around. So our joyful journey is with holy truth, goodness, and beauty, in limitless life, learning, light, liberation, and love.   7/8/11

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Beyond Pleasure and Pain

Good evening!   Zazen is stopping all karmas, beyond birth and death, pleasure and pain, samsara and suffering.   Ryokan said, “Eventless is the noble person (無事是貴人).” 7/5/11 * 無 means nothingness and 無事 (buji) usually means ”safety, peace,” originally meaning “no event” or … Continue reading

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Day by Day a New Day

Good morning! It seems we had a lot of rain here, thus weeds and wild plants are thriving and rampant; flowers fell and new flowers are blooming. We need, then, to refresh our perspective and priority and to recreate our … Continue reading

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