Tag Archives: nirvana

Sun & Star

Good morning! The north wind brought us a snowstorm and freezing rain, but the spring sun melted the hard deadly ice and the morning star shines on the windless world. Unsurpassed awakening and unconditioned peace (nirvana, windless state) have been … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Karma World

We have a nice beautiful Sunday, especially after sitting. We feel calm and clear, very peaceful, because we are, in a sense, in nirvana, a windless state, with no wind of karma blowing. That is what nirvana means: no wind … Continue reading

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Haste or Rest

The wind chill index is 10 degrees, so it is very difficult to distinguish black ice from water. If I had left for the center at my regular time, not taking into account the additional time needed to navigate an … Continue reading

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Snow, Moon, Flower “雪月花” (Setsugekka)

As we had almost one foot snowfall, I got up early and shoveled the snow from the driveway. I noticed my shovel slanting, moving toward the side already cleared. “Ah, this is it!” So I experimented, first pushing my shovel harder, without … Continue reading

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