Good morning!
On the way here I saw the morning star, morning mist, and heard birds singing.
We have beautiful flowers on the altar. Now we are entering the flower season.
After sittings we enjoy equanimity at our equinox sesshin.
As we have a lot of registrations for our web blog I posted Dogen’s Universal
Recommendation for True Zazen, with the beginning portion of the Translator’s
Introduction to it. We read and talked about it yesterday.
Garyo kindly sent me the first piece of her travelogue in Ecuador, along with a
picture. Quito is situated on the equator, between south and north, like the
equinox between day and night and heat and chill, called the other shore, nirvana.
The spring equinox is between winter and spring, the springing up of plants and
animals with full flowering. The fall equinox is between summer and fall, the
falling of vegetation and insects with a feast of fruiting.
Evolution has turned into devolution by individualization, involution, and
intoxication. The supreme selfishness, not sapiens, set into nuclear winter,
global summer, and mass extinction in a one-directional pyramid structure.
In a cyclical Indra-net system we could enjoy winter and summer, expecting the
coming spring and fall to bring abundance and admiration, as in Dogen’s poem
titled the original face:
Flowers in spring,
Cuckoo in summer,
The moon in autumn,
Snow in winter, cool and clear.
The other night I thought that the owner of the car parked in front had not turned
off his headlights. When I turned mine off, I found his were only the reflection of
mine. We had better turn on our inside dome lamp to reflect.
Religion is to return to the original, holy (wholly wholesome) truth (Dharma, Dao,
Do, etc.) and peace (nirvana, shanti, shalom, etc.) with friendship (Mitra, Mithra,
Mazda, Maitreya, etc., from mit, with).
Pat forwarded me a video of a king penguin, living with a Japanese family, visiting
the target store, not straying, coming back home and tasting his favorite foods. We
had better strive in such a way, tasting amrita, immortality.
Note 1: This 10-year-old king penguin was rescued from a fisherman’s line and refused to leave after he was healed. He was adopted by a family in a small town in Japan and became a beloved pet who has his own personal air-conditioned cold room. Lala is so smart – he walks to the fish store with his little backpack to shop for fresh fish every day. You are gonna love this little video!