Monthly Archives: September 2013

Dogen’s Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way, 5

    Five poems in reference to the Lotus Sutra, 3:   Once the heart of this Sutra is attained, Even the voice of selling and buying In this wide world Are the Dharma preaching.   Kono kyō-no Kokoro-wo ureba … Continue reading

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Free Full Function like Full Moon

  Good morning!   Last night we had light rain after a long spell of hot, dry weather. So, now trees and other plants seem moistened and greener. On the way here I saw mists hovering over the grass. Above we could see the slim crescent moon. Soon we will be able to see the renowned full moon in the clear autumn sky.   The full moon represents the Buddha’s heart, full, round, clear, and calm in cultivation and verification. When we were born, we were like the slender crescent moon. As we grow greater, we become like the half moon, and we may be able to become like the full moon, if we strive in cultivation and verification.   Our growth is like enlarging the eight spokes of the Eightfold Holy Way, making the octagonal shape more balanced and brimming to the fully round full moon, brightly shining and illuminating the world, becoming more holy (wholly wholesome), harmonious, healthy, and happy.   However, we may not grow balanced and harmonious, but unbalanced and distorted – self-centered, heavy-headed, etc. Human karma-machines have been marching in me-ism, materialism, and militarism, individually and collectively, alienated from the longer life lineage and the holy heart harmony.   Mankind made the Farming Production Revolution10,000 years ago; with the wealth from this, the City Urbanization (Civilization) Revolution 5,000 years ago was made possible; against that miseries of it (wars, etc.) the Spiritual Revolution appeared 2,500 years ago and Life Revolution 50 years ago – respectively 20, 10, 5, and 0.1 seconds ago in the Cosmic Calendar.   … Continue reading

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Dogen’s Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way, 4

  Five poems in reference to the Lotus Sutra, 2   Harken to the monkey Sounding throughout the peaks Resounding in the valleys As preaching this Sutra.   Tani-ni hibiki Mine-ni naku saru Tae-dae-ni Tada kono kyō-wo Toku-to koso kike … Continue reading

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