Category Archives: Religion

Samsara Suffering and Samadhi Satisfaction

Good morning!   Through the open windows we can hear the sound of busily racing cars, birds’ singing, and the water falling.   Our life is like the constant flow of cars and currents, constantly flowing with ups and downs, … Continue reading

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Sitting and Samu (Work)

Good morning!   After a long spell of rain, according to the weather forecast, we are still continuing rainy days. But, fortunately, we have a very bright Sunday morning today.   After the beautiful, stable, soft, and serene bell sounds … Continue reading

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Wholly Wholesome Way

Good evening!   We have now very high temperatures and humidity, but after sweating and taking a shower, I feel very good.   Zen life is not only sitting, but samu. We do samu whole-heartedly – wholly sweating, wholly breathing. … Continue reading

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Efforts Equate Effects

Good evening!   We now have a nice quiet evening. I hope you enjoy the new flowers blooming and blossoming continuously– irises, roses, lilies, peonies – and also that you enjoy your gardening – cultivating, sowing seeds, seeing germination and … Continue reading

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Ego, Envy, Enmity

  Good evening!   When we sit in zazen, we are in peace, truth, harmony, and holiness.   This is good for oneself and others, good all the time and in all places.   When we act in the conventional … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Global ethic, Global problems, Religion, System | Leave a comment

  Good morning!   Even though it is unusually, unseasonably chilly, we have now a fine, quiet daybreak and a warm spring day.   We have different ways of understanding and acting depending on individual judgments, social justifications, and natural … Continue reading

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Saving Suffering

Good morning! We have a morning with bright sunlight in serene silence. However, the world is immersed in disasters, difficulties, and even deaths at this very moment. The recent tornados, more than 200 over an area of some 150 miles, … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Uncategorized, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sunlight after Suffering

Good evening! After the long spell of rain, now we have a sunny evening. If rainy days last too long the water of life can become the water of death, damaging and destroying flora and fauna. Today is the 25th … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Nirvana (Unconditioned Peace)

Good morning!   We are having a lot of rain, so we can enjoy abundant green and flowers. But excessive water can also damage plants and cause flooding, landslides, erosion, and other problems.   Tornados last night hit and damaged … Continue reading

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Amrita (Ambrosia of Immortality)

Good evening!   We are having a lot of rain – trees, plants, and atmosphere are impregnated with water and wind, becoming greener and vivid together with heaven and earth.   When we sit, we also become like trees, stopping … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment